Yeo, Hwasoo


  • 연구분야

    Smart Transportation Systems

  • Degree

    Ph.D. Civil and Env. Engin., UC Berkeley

  • Office

    W15, 411

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  • Track

    Smart Urban Systems

AI x Mobility Lab deals with design, operation, and management methodologies of transportation systems for sustainable society. Major research fields include modeling and prediction of transportation phenomena, safe and efficient operation of transportation systems using ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) combining cutting edge Information and Communication Technologies. Also, they extend to green transportation city design and infrastructure maintenance and management methodologies to reduce Green House Gases.

∙ B.S. Civil Engineering, Seoul National University (1996)
∙ M .S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2004)
∙ Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2008)
∙ 1997~1999 Cheong-O Geodesy and Geography Inc, Korea
∙ 2000~2000 Inc, Korea
∙ 2001~2002 Lockheed Martin Global, Inc., Korea
∙ 2004~2009 Research Assistant, University of California, Berkeley
∙ 2009~2009 Post-Doctoral Researcher, California PATH, University of California, Berkeley
∙ 2009~2015 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng., KAIST
∙ 2015~ 2020 Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
∙ 2021~ present Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
Main Research Field
∙ Transportation Systems Engineering
* Traffic Flow Theory, and Traffic Operation
* Traffic Simulation
* ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
∙ Traffic Safety
* Accident Analysis and Prediction
* High Collision Concentration Location Identification
∙ Transportation Infrastructure Engineering
* Infrastructure maintenance optimization
∙ Green Transportation City Design