- Sinchita Poddar 학생 ASPIRE 2016 워크샵 KAIST 대표로 선발
- 관리자 |
- 2016-06-14 16:22:31|
- 644
우리학과 지능형지속가능환경 연구실(장성주 교수)의 석사과정생인 신치타 포다(Sinchita Poddar)학생이 홍콩과기대, KAIST, 난양공대, 동경공업대, 청화대 등 5개 첨단과학기술 선도대학들의 연합 컨소시엄인 ASPIRE(Asian Science and Technology Pioneering Institutes of Research and Education)주관으로 2016년도 7월초 개최예정인 홍콩 워크샵에 KAIST 학생대표 5명 중 1인으로 선발되어 ‘지속 가능한 도시환경과 저탄소 경제 개발’을 주제로한 심포지엄에서 발표를 하게 되었습니다.
Sinchita Poddar, who is a master candidate in Smart and Sustainable Environment Design Lab (Professor Chang Seongju) has been selected as one of the five students representing KAIST at a workshop in Hong Kong in early July, 2016. She will be presenting at the symposium on “Sustainable City Environment & Urban Development with Low Carbon Emission issue”, which relates to her research as well.
This workshop is supervised by ASPIRE (Asian Science and Technology Pioneering Institutes of Research and Education), an international academic alliance for promoting science and technology having member institutes such as KAIST, HKUST, NTU, Tokyo Tech and Tsinghwa University, five leading science and technology universities in Asia.

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