  • 명현 교수 연구팀 해파리퇴치로봇 \"Robotics Business Review\
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-05-21 14:55:56|
  • 670

아래와 같이 우리학과 명현 교수님 연구팀의 해파리퇴치로봇이 "Robotics Business Review" 한국의 로봇 기술 part에
소개되었습니다. (첨부 파일 p.7)

"Robotics Business Review"는 로봇 분야에서 가장 영향력 있는 온라인 매체 중 하나입니다.

관련링크 : http://www.roboticsbusinessreview.com/article/the_quiet_giant_of_asian_robotics_korea/ 

Another maritime robot project, currently underway at the Urban Robotics Lab of the Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology, aims to lower the threat created by dangerous and destructive coastal jellyfish. A
trio of undersea robots, named the Jellyfish Elimination Robotic Swarm, will work to reduce deadly attacks on
humans, fisheries, and even nuclear power plants.
Equipped with GPS technology and cameras to detect jellyfish swarms, the robots travel together on the surface
via propulsion motors, scooping up jellyfish in submerged nets. A shredding propeller then turns the creatures
into something like… jelly. The researchers hope that the robots can eventually make a substantial dent in the
Korean jellyfish population.

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