Yoon, Yoonjin

Assoc. Prof.

  • 연구분야

    Transportation Research and Urban Engineering Lab

  • Degree

    Ph.D. Civil and Env. Engin., UC Berkeley

  • Office

    W16 410

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  • Track

    Smart Urban Systems

Civil system is a complex system consisting of multiple systems of unique identity as well as with strong inter-connectivity. Considering the civil system also provides essential framework for a wide range of economic and social activities. Transportation, Civil Operations, and Renewable Energy (TransCORE) lab aims to provide innovative and effective solutions to address a variety of challenges in the civil systems with our research capabilities in statistical data analysis, visual simulation, economics, and operations research. Current research includes airport system design and simulation, next generation air traffic management, airport innovation, and renewable energy based transportation mode.

∙ B.S. Mathematics, Seoul National University (1996)
∙ M.S. Computer Science, Stanford University (2000)
∙ M.S. Management and Science Engineering, Stanford University (2002)
∙ Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (2010)
∙ 1998~1999 Research Assistant, Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International
∙ 1999~2000 Research Assistant, Center for Reliable Computing, Stanford Univ.
∙ 2002~2002 Research Assistant, Stanford Optimization Lab, Stanford Univ.
∙ 2003~2007 Consultant, Leigh Fisher Associates
∙ 2005~2010 Researcher, National Center for Excellence for Aviation Operations Research (NEXTOR)
∙ 2011~2018 Assistant professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., KAIST
∙ 2018~present Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST
Main Research Field
∙ Air Flow Traffic Management
∙ Transportation in Urban Area
∙ Safety Management System
∙ Transportation & Urban Data Analytics