Prof. Hoon Sohn's projects
were selected for KAIST Top
10 Research Achievements..Prof. Hoon Sohn's research projects
(Development of 6-DOF dynamic response measurementDetail view
Prof. Jung-Wuk Hong
Monthly People Best R&D
ReportProf. Jung-Wuk Hong was interviewed in the
January 2018 issue of Monthly People entitled..Detail view
Prof. HK Lee Faculty
Award Winners in Commme-
moration of the 47th..Faculty Award Winners in Commmemoration of
the 47th Anniversary of FoundingDetail view
Mr.Hye Su Jang won the
excellence prize at the URP
workshop 2017Mr. Hye Su Jang (advisor: Prof. Ayoung Kim)
won the excellence prize at the URP workshop 2017..Detail view
Received the award of
President of the National
Research Foundation of KoreaMs. KANG Na Yoon, a MSc student and Ms. LEE Hye
Yeong, a BSc student (Urban Desgin Lab, Advisor..Detail view
Appointed as faculty
member of National
UniversityDr. Jeong Gook Jang (Advisor:Prof. HK Lee)
has been appointed as Assistant Professor at ..Detail view
Prof. Tae-Hyuk Kwon and
Mr. Taehyung Park identified
the formation mechanism..Prof. Tae-Hyuk Kwon and his student Taehyung
Park in Civil and Environmental Engineering..Detail view
Received an 2018 academic
award and achievement
awardProf. Hyo-Gyoung, Kwak has been recognized
for his outstanding achievement in the field of..Detail view
Prof. Hyun Myung in our
department was awarded
Prime Minister's Citation at..Prof. Hyun Myung in our department was awarded
Prime Minister's Citation at 2018 National ScienceDetail view
Prof. Hoon Sohn
receivedOrder of Industrial
ServiceMerit at the 53th invention..Prof. Hoon Sohn received Order of Industrial
Service Merit at the 53th invention day.Detail view
Prof. Myung’s lab has been
awarded ISR Best Paper
Award at Int'l Conf..Prof. Myung’s lab has been awarded ISR (Intelli
gent Service Robotics) Best Paper Award at..Detail view
Participation in the 2018
Bio-Digital City Workshop
held at Paris Science MuseumUnder the supervision of Professor Chang, Seong
ju of our department, nine KAIST participants..Detail view
Visit of Students from
Zhejiang Univ., China
8 Undergraduates, 4 Graduate and 2 staff
visited to the Dept. of CEE, KAIST and took a KAIST..Detail view
2031 Vision week Open
KAISTDuring Vision Week (Mar. 21. 2018), Prof Ayoung
Kim's team introduced indoor/outdoor..Detail view
Woojung Chung from
Taeyoung Engineering &
Construction made a 30 million..Woojung Chung from Taeyoung Engineering &
Construction made a 30 million won contributionDetail view
KAIST Urban Design
Competition 2018
The 2018 city design competition has launched
with the title of "Happy City", accompanying..Detail view
Water Matters
(talent donation)Seminar
Prof. Seoktae Kang (Dept. of civil and environmen
tal engineering)hosted Water Matters seminar..Detail view
CEE-URP 2018 "Earth,
Environment & Human"
The department of civil and environmental engi
neering is hosting the inaugural CEE-URP...Detail view