WEBZINE 2018 Vol.1, No.1

Recent News

Prof. Hoon Sohn's projects were selected for KAIST Top 10 Research Achievements of 2017
  • Date: 24th January, 2018
  • Contents: Prof. Hoon Sohn's research projects (Development of 6-DOF dynamic response measurement system for civil infrastructure monitoring) were selected for KAIST Top 10 Research Achievements of 2017
Prof. Jung-Wuk Hong Monthly People Best R&D Report
    • Prof. Jung-Wuk Hong was interviewed in the January 2018 issue of Monthly People, entitled ‘Fracture by extreme loads: the researcher who investigates it.’
Prof. HK Lee Faculty Award Winners in Commmemoration of the 47th Anniversary of Founding
  • Faculty Award Winners in Commmemoration of the 47th Anniversary of Founding
  • - Prize for Outstanding contribution
Mr. Hye Su Jang won the excellence prize at the URP workshop 2017
  • Mr. Hye Su Jang (advisor: Prof. Ayoung Kim) won the excellence prize at the URP workshop 2017.
  • Congratulations!!
Received the award of President of the National Research Foundation of Korea
  • Ms. KANG Na Yoon and Ms. LEE Hye Yeong received the award of President of the National Research Foundation of Korea
  • Ms. KANG Na Yoon, a MSc student and Ms. LEE Hye Yeong, a BSc student (Urban Desgin Lab, Advisor Prof. KIM Youngchul) received the award of President of the National Research Foundation of Korea at the 7th EDISON Challenge (EDucation-research-industry Integration through Simulation On the Net) held in Daejeon, Korea organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea on February 23. Their project title is “Analysis of the Causes of City Center Movement and Problems”. Congratulations!
  • Mr. BYUN Gi Young and Ms. CHO Hye Min received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
  • Mr. BYUN Gi Young, a MSc student (Urban Design Lab, Advisor Prof. KIM Youngchul) and Ms. CHO Hye Min, a BSc student (Independent research project at Urban Design Lab, Advisor Prof. KIM Youngchul) received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information at the 7th EDISON Challenge (EDucation-research-industry Integration through Simulation On the Net) held in Daejeon, Korea organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea on February 23. Their project title is “A Study on Visibility Analysis and Problems of Earthquake Outdoors Shelter&Evacuation Route in Heunghae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang”. Congratulations!!
  • Mr. OH Minseok and Mr. PARK Uy Yoon received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
  • Mr. OH Minseok and Mr. PARK Uy Yoon, MSc students (Urban Design Lab, Advisor Prof. KIM Youngchul) received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information at the 7th EDISON Challenge (EDucation-research-industry Integration through Simulation On the Net) held in Daejeon, Korea organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea on February 23. Their project title is “Comparative Analysis of Potential and Practical use of Commercial Streets in Gwangali & Haeundae Districts”. Congratulations!!
Appointed as faculty member of National University
  • Dr. Jeong Gook Jang's appointment at Incheon National University
  • Dr. Jeong Gook Jang of our department (Advisor:Prof. HK Lee) has been appointed as an assistant professor at Incheon National University. Congratulations.
  • Dr. Seo, Dong-joon's appointment at Kyungpook National University
  • Dr. Seo, Dong-joon of our department (Advisor: Prof. Chang, Seongju) has been appointed as an assistant professor at Kyungpook National University. Congratulations.
  • Dr. Oh Tae-Min's appointment at Pusan National University
  • Dr. Oh Tae-Min of our department (Advisor: Cho, Gye-chun) has been appointed as an assistant professor at Pusan National University. Congratulations.
  • Dr. Kim, Jin-kook's appointment at Seoul National University of Science and Technology
  • Dr. Kim, Jin-kook of our department (Advisor: Prof. Kwak, Hyo-Gyoung) has been appointed as an assistant professor at Seoul National Univ. of Science and Technology. Congratulations.
Prof. Tae-Hyuk Kwon and Mr. Taehyung Park identified the formation mechanism of gas hydrates in oceanic clay rich sediment
Received an 2018 academic award and achievement award
  • Prof. Hyo-Gyoung, Kwak received an 2018 academic award from Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
  • Prof. Hyo-Gyoung, Kwak has been recognized for his outstanding achievement in the field of thesis achievement for 30 years of the Computational Structural Engineering. Congratulations!
  • Prof. HK Lee received an 2018 achievement award from Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
  • Prof. HK Lee has been recognized for his an outstanding achievement for the development of Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea by successfully holding the international conference as CODE 2018 LOC chairman. Congratulations!
Prof. Hyun Myung in our department was awarded Prime Minister's Citation at 2018 National Science Day.
  • Prof. Hyun Myung in our department was awarded Prime Minister's Citation at 2018 National Science Day.
  • Related press release: ETNews, HelloDD, JoongDo-Ilbo, YonhapNews
Prof. Hoon Sohn received Order of Industrial Service Merit at the 53th invention day.
  • Date:16th May, 2018
  • Contents: Prof. Hoon Sohn received Order of Industrial Service Merit at the 53th invention day.
Prof. Myung’s lab has been awarded ISR Best Paper Award at Int'l Conf. Ubiquitous Robots (UR) 2018
  • Prof. Myung’s lab has been awarded ISR (Intelligent Service Robotics) Best Paper Award at Int'l Conf. Ubiquitous Robots (UR) 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii on June 28, 2018. Congratulations!
Participation in the 2018 Bio-Digital City Workshop held at Paris Science Museum
  • Under the supervision of Professor Chang, Seongju of our department, nine KAIST participants including Jung, Min- Woo, Cha, Seung-Hwan, Park Sang-Jun and Cho Hyung-Min at Civil and Environmental Engineering department, one undergraduate student at Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, one master student at Dept. of Industrial Engineering plus Professor Lee, Ji-Hyun and Ph.D. student Zang, Bo-Yoon at Graduate School of Culture Technology joined the 2018 Bio-Digital City workshop which had been held from July 9 to July 20, for about 10 days, hosted by Paris Science Museum (Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie) in Paris, the largest scientific museum in Europe. The workshop was progressed with three KAIST-Paris student groups to select and analyze special ecosystems such as sand dunes, jellyfish communities and Mangrove forest and to extract useful algorithms from them for applying those to a district planning over a given civic site in Paris. This workshop was supported by KAIST's International Collaboration Program and would be a good starting base for future continuous collaborative activities between KAIST’s Civil and Environmental Engineering department and Europe especially with France.
Visit of Students from Zhejiang Univ., China
  • 8 Undergraduates, 4 Graduates and 2 staffs visited to the Dept. of CEE, KAIST and took a KAIST Campus and Lab Tour.
2031 Vision week Open KAIST
  • During Vision Week (Mar. 21. 2018), Prof Ayoung Kim's team introduced indoor/outdoor mapping algorithm via Open KAIST program.
Woojung Chung from Taeyoung Engineering & Construction made a 30 million won contribution
  • Woojung Chung from Taeyoung Engineering & Construction made a 30 million won contribution to Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
KAIST Urban Design Competition 2018
  • The 2018 city design competition has launched with the title of "Happy City", accompanying 8 teams and 22 participants. Participants search for solution toward the happy city by trying creative design strategies. The final presentation will be held on Oct 5th at Yang Seung-taek auditorium.
Water Matters (talent donation) Seminar
  • Prof. Seoktae Kang (Dept. of civil and environmental engineering) hosted Water Matters seminar series in Matrix hall, KI building on May 11th.
    Water Matters seminar started in 2013 during the excursion of professors to communicate with undergraduate/graduate student regarding knowledge transfer on topics of water treatment technologies. Since then, the seminar was held at Gwangju institute of science and technology (GIST) at first, and has been continued in various cities of Korea.
    In Water Matters seminar at KAIST, 10 professors invited to deliver their specialties in water treatment technologies related with 4th industrial revolution. During their talks, more than 50 students and 30 experts participated and shared their thoughts and knowledge. Especially, professor Heechul Choi, a president of KSEE (Koreasocietyofenvironmentalengineers) gave a speech to young scientists.
    You may watch the related video clip from the link below.
CEE-URP 2018 "Earth, Environment & Human"
  • The department of civil and environmental engineering is hosting the inaugural CEE-URP program, providing undergraduate students opportunities to design and participate in various research projects intended to resolve diverse environmental problems with multidisciplinary approaches. A total of 21 students, including 12 freshman students, have organized themselves into 7 teams and are independently carrying out research projects of their own design with guidance of the professors in the CEE department. The topics of the research are in touch with impending environmental issues, such as particulate matter pollution and indoor noise pollution. The CEE-URP program is financially supported by the School of Engineering and, in part, the participating professors of the department. Five students selected on merit will be awarded with opportunities to attend distinguished international conferences in their respective field. Prizes worth 2 million KRW will be awarded to the three teams with the highest scores from the panel of CEE professors at the evaluation seminar to be held in November.